Conditions for booking tours
General terms associated with booking tour represent the integral part of Contract on traveling or voucher that are booked between Volley Trend agency and customers, i.e. sport club that is signing for touring arrangement. Conditions are coordinated with The Law on Tourist Activity and with regulations of professional and ethic management based on rulebooks of Serbian Association of travel agencies. Apart from that, we mention responses on questions asked by clubs while booking tours in Serbia. Of course, we are on your disposal for any additional questions you might have.
General terms and instructions of booking tours or group traveling
1. Introductory remarks
These terms and instructions of bookings and buying tourist arrangements are the integral part of Contract i.e. voucher that are booked between Volley Trend agency and customers, i.e. travel contractor that contracts tourist arrangement in the name and for the account of group or sport club.
2. Reservation
Group/sport club upon receiving written offer for tour organized by Volley Trend agency, can register for it via written reservation. Via written reservations, group/sport club completely accepts the offer of Volley Trend agency following these Conditions of tour reservation that have been carefully studied previously. Registered travel contractor for the group/sport club accepts the responsibility for the accuracy of information in reservation and the communication with the agency. Reservation is considered accepted upon accepting written confirmation of reservation from the agency. If the content of reservation differs from the original offer, agency will submit the new offer to the group/sport club, which will be accepted or declined within the new time limit. Upon expiration of time limit, agency doesn’t have any obligations towards guests.
3. Payment conditions
Group/sport club that booked the service is obliged to pay to the agency at least of 20% of total price no later than 30 days before arranged arrival, while the rest of the price is to be paid no later than 21 days before arranged arrival. Confirmation of reservation by the agency under the item “service payment” has to contain agreed payment conditions. Volley Trend is authorized to terminate this contract either totally or partially by unilateral declaration, in case that full price or part of the price of arrangement is not received in agreed time limit. In such an event group/sport club don’t have rights for reimbursement of damages or possible costs of visa, insurance and of possible costs, and travel contractor is obliged to settle signed fees as he cancelled the tour himself.
4. Packet price and contents
Agency is obliged to describe every agreed service, that are included to packet price, in the written offer and to confirm bookings, which are then submitted to group/sport club. Agency is not to held responsible for services that are not the integral part of offered tour arrangement, as well as for services that guests decide to buy in the country of stay from third party (i.e. trips, tickets etc.).
5. Children discounts and other benefits
Please pay attention to children discounts, as well as to other benefits which are set apart in the description of a package. During the accommodation booking for child or children, It is really important to give a correct date of children’s birthdate, so the children discounts can be correctly applied.
6. Categorization and description of services
The accommodation facilities offered in Volley Trend programs are described according to the official categorization of the respective county valid at the moment of the publication of the program. Nourishment, modern conveniences, as well as other services offered by hotels/apartments are supervised by local tourist boards, while the standards of accommodation and services differ and are not comparable. Volley Trend shall not be responsible for any verbal or written information differing from the description of services and facilities in the published programs which were obtained from a third party.
7. Protection of personal information
Personal information of passengers are needed in the process of implementation of needed service. The same will be used for further mutual communication. Volley Trend agency obliges that any personal information of passengers won’t leave the country or given to third party, except in the purpose of implementing needed service. Exception of giving personal info to third party is when signing Insurance from risk of cancellation and the Insurance from consequences of accident and illness, insurance from risk of damage and loss of baggage and voluntary health insurance of persons during travelling and staying abroad. In case that customer signs Insurance policy, his personal information will be transferred to insurance company. Personal information of customers will be kept in database, according to the decision of Administration of manner of collecting, management and guarding personal information.